*28th January, 2015.
(The only TRUTH of life. Surrender to him).
*28/1. Buy Apollo Hospital. SELL Ambuja Cement
********************27/1. B R E A K I N G N E W S.
Greece's left-wing Syriza appeared on course to trounce the ruling conservatives in Sunday's snap election, setting up a possible confrontation with international creditors.
Alexis Tsipras, leader of the communist-rooted Syriza party, immediately promised to end the "five years of humiliation and pain" that Greece has endured since an international bailout saved it from bankruptcy in 2010.
"The verdict of the Greek people ends, beyond any doubt, the vicious circle of austerity in our country," Tsipras told a crowd of rapturous flag-waving supporters.
*23/1. OBAMA exit effect........SELL BIOCON, COAL INDIA, HDFC....................
*26/1/2015. We wish you all a very happy REPUBLIC DAY.
*STAY with the market with our 2015 STB. *Nifty fut. after 8790 what ? Below 8790 what ?
*Bank Nifty fut. after 20230 what ? Below 20230 what ?
*Ashok leyland above 61 what will be the next price targets ? ........
You will find answers to all your queries about the PRICE movement
from our Entire YEAR STB.
*Covering Nifty,Bank Nifty, CNX IT, Global Indices, USD/INR, EURO/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY , MCX GOLD,SILVER,CRUDE OIL,Copper & Natural Gas.
MORE THEN 120 stocks of NSE cash & NSE F&O.
*21/1. Freeeeeee......SELL....SELL...Nifty,DLF, Tata Motor, Zee Ent., SUN TV.......
*BOOK huge profit on FRIDAY.
*******Government is the ultimate crowd, every decision being made by committee. It is always acting on the last trend. For example, the Federal government passed securities laws to prevent the 1929-1932 crash ... in 1934.
Yet today, governments and central banks have hitched their wagons to rising stock prices like never before and in a myriad of ways. In fact, as the remnants of the Great Bull Market pushed stocks to all-time highs in recent months, many central banks bought financial assets outright. According to the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, a central bank research group, 400 public-sector institutions in 162 countries own $29 trillion in market investments, including gold. The People's Bank of China is the world's largest public sector holder of equities with a $3.9 trillion fund that holds equity stakes including "important European companies."
But we believe the ongoing crisis is "too big to bail" and governments' all-in effort behind stocks indicates a trend closer to its maturity than its rebirth.
*******8/1.*HURRY....HURRY.....Subscribe today to our INTRA YEAR 2015 Sure Trading Targets Bulletin & start earning tonnes of money everyday.
*19/1. Nifty spot will test 8700....BUY.........
*Buy LIC hsg fin...tgt 507, 520.
*Buy Tech Mahindra...tgt 2880
*1/1. FREE....FREE......Buy Nifty fut above 8380 for a tgt of 8480.......5th Jan Tgt achvd.
Was it a MANIPULATION or precise Technical Analysis. ?????
*Keep an eye on Nifty fut.price 8000.....below that there will be a blood bath.
*Keep an eye on NIFTY spot 8720. Above this there will be an upward blast.
*1/1. Our MONTHLY Rs.3000.& YEARLY Rs.15000. STB is ready.
sent only ONCE by e-mail..
*Our members have started making big profit from our MONTHLY & YEARLY tgt. BULLETIN.
*Breaking news...from 1st January,2015 all our F&O SMSMS & MSMS services will be exclusively for HIGH NETWORTH clients only.
*No more COACHING service from 1st January, 2015.
*SMALL traders & Investors can subscribe for Intra MONTH & Intra YEAR 2015 sure trading targets BULLETINS sent by e mail.
******Make tonnes of profit by trading with our sure targets bulletin INTRA YEAR PIVOT POINTS 2015. NIFTY, Bank Nifty & 90 stocks. The bulletin will be ready by 6th January 2015. Subscribe today & start earning from 7th Jan. till the end of the year.
A boon for Students, House wife, working people & Traders/Investors. No need of charts, analysis. Just trade with closing price. Simple price following plan that will automatically keep you on the right side of the market.
Trade with patience & generate huge wealth.
*TRAINED CLIENTS making huge profit everyday.
Take training from an experienced, dedicated coach & then tune yourself with the market trend for consistent mind blowing profits without FEAR of loosing.
*Why we are not booking SUBSTANTIAL profit from our short positions in IBrealestate from 80 & HDIL from 88
even when the price has come down to 69.
A BOON for students, housewife, working people & traders & Investors..
*28/1. 1. Buy 8 lots of REC at 327. Tgt 337. Tgt achvd.
2. BUY 10000 Nifty 8900 PUT option at 18. SL 12. Tgt 50. Tgt achvd.
3. SELL 40 lots of Nifty FEB. fut at 9050. SL 9070. Tgt 8950. Tgt achvd.
4. Sell 20 lots of Bank Nifty FEB fut. at 21000. SL 21050. Tgt 20700. Tgt achvd.
*27/1. 1. Buy Nifty 40 lots at 8844. SL 8832. Tgt 8910. Tgt achvd.
2. Buy Bank Nifty 20 lots at 19300. SL 19260. Tgt 19600. Tgt achvd.
3.Buy 10 lots of Axis bank at 579. SL 574. Tgt 595. Tgt achvd.
*23/1. Our trained clients always,always & always make profit with their PRECISE PIVOT POINTS & SIMPLE RULE OF STOP & REVERSE above & below the PIVOT POINTS respectively..
1. Sell 60 lots of Nifty at 8870. NO SL Tgt 8811. Tgt achvd.
2. Sell 12 lots of TCS at 2530. Tgt 2505. Tgt achvd.
3. BUY 60 lots of Nifty at 8815. SL 8789. Tgt 8850. Tgt achvd.
*22/1. Nifty achieves our target of 8790. What Next. To know subscibe today to our 2015 STB
*21/1. 1. Sell 10 lots of Tata Steel at 403. Tgt 395. Tgt achvd..
2. Sell 40 lots of Nifty at 8740. Tgt 8692....................
3. Sell 40 lots of Bank Nifty at 20000. Tgt 19860. Tgt achvd.
*20/1. 1. Buy 40 lots of Nifty at 8620. Tgt 8715. Tgt achvd.
2.Buy 400 lots of NIFTY 8700 Call option at 42. Tgt 80. Tgt achvd.
*3. Buy 40 lots of Bank Nifty at 19580. Tgt 19800. Tgt achvd.
4. SELL 12 lots of TCS at 2515. Tgt 2492. Tgt achvd.
*19/1. 1. Sell 40 lots of Nifty at 8570. SL 8595. Tgt 8510.....Exited at 8550.
*BUY NIFTY as it may test 8700 spot.
2. Sell 12 lots of HDFC at 1200. Tgt 1184. Tgt achvd.
*14/1. 1. SELL 40 lots of Bank Nifty at 18840. Tgt 18710. Tgt achvd.
2. SELL 10 lots of Tata Steel at 389. Tgt 380. Tgt achvd.
3. SELL 40 lots of Nifty at 8340. Tgt 8292. Tgt achvd.
4. BUY 100 lots of 8200 Put option at 60. Tgt 72. Tgt achvd.
*13/1. 1. SELL 40 lots of Bank Nifty at 18950. NO SL . Tgt 18750. Tgt achvd.
2. BUY 60 lots of Bank Nifty 18500 Put option at 190. NO SL. Tgt 270. Tgt achvd.
3. SELL 40 lots of Nifty at 8370. Tgt 8302. Tgt achvd.
4. Buy 10,000 Nifty 8100 PUT option at 30. Tgt 48. Tgt achvd.
5. SELL 10 lots of LIC HSG at 470. Tgt 461. Tgt achvd.
*12/1. 1. Buy 60 lots of Bank Nifty at 18600. SL 18580. Tgt 18850. Tgt achvd. +3.75 lacs
2. BUY 80 lots of Bank Nifty 19000 Call option at 200. SL 185. Tgt 280. Tgt achvd. +1.60 lacs
3. Buy 60 lots of Nifty at 8280. SL 8269. Tgt 8340. Tgt achvd. +90K......Next tgt.........8390.................................
4. Buy 10,000 Nifty 850 call option at 30. SL 25. Tgt 42. Tgt achvd.+1.20 lacs
5. Buy TECH Mahindra 16 lots at 2715gt 2755. Tgt achvd.......NEXT tgt 2810.....................................
*7/1. *1.Sell 30 lots of Nifty at 8175. Tgt 8105. Tgt achvd. +1.05 lacs
2. Buy 5000 Nifty 7900 PUT option at 52. Booked at 75. +1.15lacs +
3.Sell 10 lots of SUN TV at 350. Tgt. 340. Tgt achvd. + 1.00 lacs
4. Buy 30 lots of Nifty at 8105. SL 8085. Tgt 8160. Tgt achvd. +82K
*6/1. 1.Sell 1500 Nifty at 8270. SL 8285. Tgt 8180. Tgt achvd. +1.35 lacs....Next tgt 8085...........
2. Buy 10,000 Nifty 8000 Put option at 40. NO SL. Tgt...Booked at 80 with trailing stop loss. +4 lacs.
3. SELL LIC housing Finance 10 lots at 463. NO SL. Tgt 450. Tgt achvd. +1.30 lacs.....Next tgt ..432.........
4. BUY 20 lots of LIC hsg 460 PUT option at 16. SL 13.90. Tgt . 23. Tgt achvd. +1.40 lacs...Next tgt.....30....
5. SELL 16 lots of Tata Steel at 409. No SL . Tgt 398. Tgt achvd. +88K. Next tgt 483............
6. Buy 25 lots of tata Steel 400 PUT option at 9. SL 7.80. Tgt 15. Tgt achvd. +75K.
7. SELL 100 lots of Bank NIFTY at 18900. Tgt 18600. Tgt achvd. +7.50 lacs....Next tgt. 18385.......
8. Buy 100 lots of Bank Nifty 18000 PUT option at 130. SL 110. Tgt 280. Tgt achvd. +3.25 lacs.
*5/1. 1. Buy 5000 Nifty 8500 Call option at 83. Tgt 96. Tgt achvd. +65K
2. Sell 1500 Nifty at 8487. Tgt 8437. Tgt achvd. +75K
3. Buy 5000 Nifty 8300 PUT option at 48. Tgt 60. Tgt achvd. +60K
4. Buy 30 lots of Tata Steel at 420 CALL op. at 11.50. Tgt 14.50. Tgt achvd. +45K
*2/1. 1. Buy 50 lots of Nifty at 8380. NO SL. Tgt 8480........
2. Buy 10,000 Nifty 8500 Call option at 61. Booked at 94. + 3.30 lacs.
3. BUY 50 lots of Bank Nifty at 18930. Tgt 18250. Tgt achvd. +4 lacs
4. Buy 50 lots of Bank Nifty 19500 Call option at 160. Tgt 260. Tgt achvd. +1.20
5. SSLT tgt 225. achvd. +80,000
***Call given on 31/12. Buy 20 lots of TCS 2600 Call option at 52. No SL. tgt 67.00....Booked today at 75 with trailing SL. +57,500. *Small traders are crying.
*1/1/2015. 1. Buy 10 lots of Andhra Bank at 96. NO SL Tgt 100. Tgt achvd. Profit 1.6 lacs.
2.Buy 20 lots of Andhra bank 95 CALL option at 5.20. Booked at 8.80. +2.88 lacs.
3. Buy 10 lots of SSLT at 217. Tgt. 225........................
*31/12. 1. Buy 20 lots of TCS at 2552. No SL. Target 2575. Tgt achvd.
2. Buy 20 lots of TCS 2600 Call option at 52. No SL. tgt 67.00.........
*30/12. What a great day for all our HIGH networth client.
*Nifty call option of 8500 SL 50 triggered.
* Tata Steel SELL call tgt. 405 achvd.
*1. SELL 12 lots of Tata Steel at 407. SL 410. Tgt 399. Tgt achvd.
*2. Buy 16 lots of TCS 2600 Call option at 56. SL 51. Tgt 67. SL triggered.
*3. Sell 16 lots of TCS at 2560. SL 2564. Tgt 2540. Tgt achvd.
4. Buy 10 lots of Andhra bank at 93. NO SL. Tgt 95.80.........31/12. Booked at 95.50.
5. Buy 10 lots of Andhra bank 95 call option at 3.20. NO SL. Tgt.4.70. tgt achvd.
6. Buy 10,000 Nifty 8500 call option at 46.50 SL 44. Tgt 55. Tgt achvd.
*29/12. 1.Sell Tata Steel 10 lots at 413. SL 416. Tgt 405.......30/12. Tgt achvd.
2. Buy 3000 Nifty 8500 Call option at 59. SL 50. Tgt 72........30/12. SL triggered
*26/12. 1. SELL 40 lots of Nifty at 8290. SL 8310. Tgt 8230. Tgt achvd.
2. Buy 3000 Nifty 8100 put op at 75. SL 67. Tgt 97. Tgt achvd.
*24/12. 1. Sell 40 lots of Nifty at 8275. SL 8290. Tgt. 8225. Tgt achvd.
2. Sell 40 lots of Nifty again at 8445. SL 8460. Tgt 8190. Tgt achvd.
3. Buy 3000 Nifty JAN. 8100 Put op at 63. SL 56. Tgt 78. Tgt achvd.
4. Buy 10000 Nifty 8300 Put op. at 50. SL 40. Tgt 70. Tgt achvd.
5. Buy 20000 Nifty 8250 Put op at 30. SL 20. Tgt 50. Tgt achvd.
*Buy again 20000 Nifty 8250 Put option 35. SL 25....booked at 75...with a trailing stop loss.
6. Buy 50000 Nifty 8200 Put op at 1.00. Booked at 25 with trailing SL.( Made High/low 0.40/28. a 7000% appreciation from 2.30pm to 3.30pm )
*23/12. 1. Buy Nifty 40 lots at 8330. Sl 8322. Tgt 8368. Tgt achvd.
2. Buy 3000 Nifty 8300 Call option at 48. SL 42. Tgt 68. Tgt achvd.
3. Sell 40 lots of Nifty at 8365. SL 8375. Tgt booked at 8280 with trailing sl.
4. Buy 3000 Nifty 8300 Put option at 14. SL 7. Tgt booked at 46 with trailing SL.
(The only TRUTH of life. Surrender to him).
*28/1. Buy Apollo Hospital. SELL Ambuja Cement
********************27/1. B R E A K I N G N E W S.
*27/1. FREEEEEEEEEE....Sell Dr.REDDY, Yes Bank, Adani Entp, CNX IT, Crude & LEAD.
*BUY Amar Raja Battery, BPCL, Escorts.
*26/1/2015. Oil falls after Greek election sends euro tumbling.
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Oil slid in early Asian
trade on Monday, with U.S. crude falling close to a six-year low, after
Greece's election results heightened uncertainty in the euro zone and depressed
the bloc's currency against the dollar.*BUY Amar Raja Battery, BPCL, Escorts.
*26/1/2015. Oil falls after Greek election sends euro tumbling.
Greece's left-wing Syriza appeared on course to trounce the ruling conservatives in Sunday's snap election, setting up a possible confrontation with international creditors.
*26/1.Radical left Greek party wins election, threatening renewed global market turmoil.
ATHENS, Greece (AP) -- A radical left-wing party vowing to end Greece's painful austerity program won a historic victory in Sunday's parliamentary elections, setting up a showdown with the country's international creditors that could shake the eurozone.Alexis Tsipras, leader of the communist-rooted Syriza party, immediately promised to end the "five years of humiliation and pain" that Greece has endured since an international bailout saved it from bankruptcy in 2010.
"The verdict of the Greek people ends, beyond any doubt, the vicious circle of austerity in our country," Tsipras told a crowd of rapturous flag-waving supporters.
*23/1. OBAMA exit effect........SELL BIOCON, COAL INDIA, HDFC....................
*26/1/2015. We wish you all a very happy REPUBLIC DAY.
*STAY with the market with our 2015 STB. *Nifty fut. after 8790 what ? Below 8790 what ?
*Bank Nifty fut. after 20230 what ? Below 20230 what ?
*Ashok leyland above 61 what will be the next price targets ? ........
You will find answers to all your queries about the PRICE movement
from our Entire YEAR STB.
*Covering Nifty,Bank Nifty, CNX IT, Global Indices, USD/INR, EURO/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY , MCX GOLD,SILVER,CRUDE OIL,Copper & Natural Gas.
MORE THEN 120 stocks of NSE cash & NSE F&O.
*21/1. Freeeeeee......SELL....SELL...Nifty,DLF, Tata Motor, Zee Ent., SUN TV.......
*BOOK huge profit on FRIDAY.
*******Government is the ultimate crowd, every decision being made by committee. It is always acting on the last trend. For example, the Federal government passed securities laws to prevent the 1929-1932 crash ... in 1934.
Yet today, governments and central banks have hitched their wagons to rising stock prices like never before and in a myriad of ways. In fact, as the remnants of the Great Bull Market pushed stocks to all-time highs in recent months, many central banks bought financial assets outright. According to the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, a central bank research group, 400 public-sector institutions in 162 countries own $29 trillion in market investments, including gold. The People's Bank of China is the world's largest public sector holder of equities with a $3.9 trillion fund that holds equity stakes including "important European companies."
But we believe the ongoing crisis is "too big to bail" and governments' all-in effort behind stocks indicates a trend closer to its maturity than its rebirth.
*******8/1.*HURRY....HURRY.....Subscribe today to our INTRA YEAR 2015 Sure Trading Targets Bulletin & start earning tonnes of money everyday.
*19/1. Nifty spot will test 8700....BUY.........
*Buy LIC hsg fin...tgt 507, 520.
*Buy Tech Mahindra...tgt 2880
*1/1. FREE....FREE......Buy Nifty fut above 8380 for a tgt of 8480.......5th Jan Tgt achvd.
Was it a MANIPULATION or precise Technical Analysis. ?????
*Keep an eye on Nifty fut.price 8000.....below that there will be a blood bath.
*Keep an eye on NIFTY spot 8720. Above this there will be an upward blast.
*1/1. Our MONTHLY Rs.3000.& YEARLY Rs.15000. STB is ready.
sent only ONCE by e-mail..
*Our members have started making big profit from our MONTHLY & YEARLY tgt. BULLETIN.
*Breaking news...from 1st January,2015 all our F&O SMSMS & MSMS services will be exclusively for HIGH NETWORTH clients only.
*No more COACHING service from 1st January, 2015.
*SMALL traders & Investors can subscribe for Intra MONTH & Intra YEAR 2015 sure trading targets BULLETINS sent by e mail.
******Make tonnes of profit by trading with our sure targets bulletin INTRA YEAR PIVOT POINTS 2015. NIFTY, Bank Nifty & 90 stocks. The bulletin will be ready by 6th January 2015. Subscribe today & start earning from 7th Jan. till the end of the year.
A boon for Students, House wife, working people & Traders/Investors. No need of charts, analysis. Just trade with closing price. Simple price following plan that will automatically keep you on the right side of the market.
Trade with patience & generate huge wealth.
*TRAINED CLIENTS making huge profit everyday.
Take training from an experienced, dedicated coach & then tune yourself with the market trend for consistent mind blowing profits without FEAR of loosing.
*Why we are not booking SUBSTANTIAL profit from our short positions in IBrealestate from 80 & HDIL from 88
even when the price has come down to 69.
A BOON for students, housewife, working people & traders & Investors..
Dear Tushar Sir,
I am interested to become trained client.
Please send me details.
Thanks & Regards
Ref : Iqbal, Santosh Patel, Varun Trivedi, Raghu, Ashutosh, Bankim Pandya, Chakor, Hafiz, Himanshu, Vishwanath B.S, Pramod, Sunil, Vasudev & so many satisfied TRAINED clients.......
Ref : Iqbal, Santosh Patel, Varun Trivedi, Raghu, Ashutosh, Bankim Pandya, Chakor, Hafiz, Himanshu, Vishwanath B.S, Pramod, Sunil, Vasudev & so many satisfied TRAINED clients.......
Dear Sir,
It is a brief 3 hours course of teaching Practical Applications of Technical Analysis
with total emphasis on following the price action for maximum profit with least risk.
Emotional less trading for profit only with SIMPLE rules of trading.
We will make you an automatic trader who effortlessly moves with TREND &
thus always makes profit.
*16/12. This month NIFTY & Tata Steel PUT options gave mind blowing returns till now.
*****Nifty *8000,8100,8200 PUT options & Tata Steel 420,410,400 Put Options have given 1000% RETURN in 11 trading days ( from 30/11 to 16/12/2014 ).
*****Nifty *8000,8100,8200 PUT options & Tata Steel 420,410,400 Put Options have given 1000% RETURN in 11 trading days ( from 30/11 to 16/12/2014 ).
*This month DECEMBER 2014 NIFTY tgts.
7954, 8086, 8200 a, 8296 b, 8368 c, 8508 d, 8558 e, 8638 f, 8720 g, 8768 h.
Actual high made 8660 & Low 8008. Great success story.
Actual high made 8660 & Low 8008. Great success story.
Tata Steel tgts.
380 a, 394 b, 404 c, 419 d, 436 e, 450 f, 460 g, 475 h, 490 i, 500 j.
Actual high made 475 & Low 388.
Actual high made 475 & Low 388.
You will learn Pivot Point calculations, STOP LOSS & Money management.
Intra day sure profit trading techniques with wt. average. Importance of 52 week high/low.
No conventional Theories. You get ready made charts with MA, BB,Oscillators etc.
will be given One year free Automatic Buy/Sell generating software.,
with free data. I will teach you how to trade in different time frames
in INTRA day & short term trading for profit
Course material will be sent by e mail.
Free Monthly sure targets bulletin for 3 months.
You will be explained every thing online on phone.
If you can come to Mumbai you are welcome.
There will be life time support.
Fees: Rs.40,000/- all inclusive PLUS 10% sharing from the profit.
Remember that from today onwards you will be trading for profits only.
You will become an expert trader.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
Tushar Vaishnav. www.stocktraders-neeta.blogspot.com*28/1. 1. Buy 8 lots of REC at 327. Tgt 337. Tgt achvd.
2. BUY 10000 Nifty 8900 PUT option at 18. SL 12. Tgt 50. Tgt achvd.
3. SELL 40 lots of Nifty FEB. fut at 9050. SL 9070. Tgt 8950. Tgt achvd.
4. Sell 20 lots of Bank Nifty FEB fut. at 21000. SL 21050. Tgt 20700. Tgt achvd.
*27/1. 1. Buy Nifty 40 lots at 8844. SL 8832. Tgt 8910. Tgt achvd.
2. Buy Bank Nifty 20 lots at 19300. SL 19260. Tgt 19600. Tgt achvd.
3.Buy 10 lots of Axis bank at 579. SL 574. Tgt 595. Tgt achvd.
*23/1. Our trained clients always,always & always make profit with their PRECISE PIVOT POINTS & SIMPLE RULE OF STOP & REVERSE above & below the PIVOT POINTS respectively..
1. Sell 60 lots of Nifty at 8870. NO SL Tgt 8811. Tgt achvd.
2. Sell 12 lots of TCS at 2530. Tgt 2505. Tgt achvd.
3. BUY 60 lots of Nifty at 8815. SL 8789. Tgt 8850. Tgt achvd.
*22/1. Nifty achieves our target of 8790. What Next. To know subscibe today to our 2015 STB
*21/1. 1. Sell 10 lots of Tata Steel at 403. Tgt 395. Tgt achvd..
2. Sell 40 lots of Nifty at 8740. Tgt 8692....................
3. Sell 40 lots of Bank Nifty at 20000. Tgt 19860. Tgt achvd.
*20/1. 1. Buy 40 lots of Nifty at 8620. Tgt 8715. Tgt achvd.
2.Buy 400 lots of NIFTY 8700 Call option at 42. Tgt 80. Tgt achvd.
*3. Buy 40 lots of Bank Nifty at 19580. Tgt 19800. Tgt achvd.
4. SELL 12 lots of TCS at 2515. Tgt 2492. Tgt achvd.
*19/1. 1. Sell 40 lots of Nifty at 8570. SL 8595. Tgt 8510.....Exited at 8550.
*BUY NIFTY as it may test 8700 spot.
2. Sell 12 lots of HDFC at 1200. Tgt 1184. Tgt achvd.
*14/1. 1. SELL 40 lots of Bank Nifty at 18840. Tgt 18710. Tgt achvd.
2. SELL 10 lots of Tata Steel at 389. Tgt 380. Tgt achvd.
3. SELL 40 lots of Nifty at 8340. Tgt 8292. Tgt achvd.
4. BUY 100 lots of 8200 Put option at 60. Tgt 72. Tgt achvd.
*13/1. 1. SELL 40 lots of Bank Nifty at 18950. NO SL . Tgt 18750. Tgt achvd.
2. BUY 60 lots of Bank Nifty 18500 Put option at 190. NO SL. Tgt 270. Tgt achvd.
3. SELL 40 lots of Nifty at 8370. Tgt 8302. Tgt achvd.
4. Buy 10,000 Nifty 8100 PUT option at 30. Tgt 48. Tgt achvd.
5. SELL 10 lots of LIC HSG at 470. Tgt 461. Tgt achvd.
*12/1. 1. Buy 60 lots of Bank Nifty at 18600. SL 18580. Tgt 18850. Tgt achvd. +3.75 lacs
2. BUY 80 lots of Bank Nifty 19000 Call option at 200. SL 185. Tgt 280. Tgt achvd. +1.60 lacs
3. Buy 60 lots of Nifty at 8280. SL 8269. Tgt 8340. Tgt achvd. +90K......Next tgt.........8390.................................
4. Buy 10,000 Nifty 850 call option at 30. SL 25. Tgt 42. Tgt achvd.+1.20 lacs
5. Buy TECH Mahindra 16 lots at 2715gt 2755. Tgt achvd.......NEXT tgt 2810.....................................
*7/1. *1.Sell 30 lots of Nifty at 8175. Tgt 8105. Tgt achvd. +1.05 lacs
2. Buy 5000 Nifty 7900 PUT option at 52. Booked at 75. +1.15lacs +
3.Sell 10 lots of SUN TV at 350. Tgt. 340. Tgt achvd. + 1.00 lacs
4. Buy 30 lots of Nifty at 8105. SL 8085. Tgt 8160. Tgt achvd. +82K
*6/1. 1.Sell 1500 Nifty at 8270. SL 8285. Tgt 8180. Tgt achvd. +1.35 lacs....Next tgt 8085...........
2. Buy 10,000 Nifty 8000 Put option at 40. NO SL. Tgt...Booked at 80 with trailing stop loss. +4 lacs.
3. SELL LIC housing Finance 10 lots at 463. NO SL. Tgt 450. Tgt achvd. +1.30 lacs.....Next tgt ..432.........
4. BUY 20 lots of LIC hsg 460 PUT option at 16. SL 13.90. Tgt . 23. Tgt achvd. +1.40 lacs...Next tgt.....30....
5. SELL 16 lots of Tata Steel at 409. No SL . Tgt 398. Tgt achvd. +88K. Next tgt 483............
6. Buy 25 lots of tata Steel 400 PUT option at 9. SL 7.80. Tgt 15. Tgt achvd. +75K.
7. SELL 100 lots of Bank NIFTY at 18900. Tgt 18600. Tgt achvd. +7.50 lacs....Next tgt. 18385.......
8. Buy 100 lots of Bank Nifty 18000 PUT option at 130. SL 110. Tgt 280. Tgt achvd. +3.25 lacs.
*5/1. 1. Buy 5000 Nifty 8500 Call option at 83. Tgt 96. Tgt achvd. +65K
2. Sell 1500 Nifty at 8487. Tgt 8437. Tgt achvd. +75K
3. Buy 5000 Nifty 8300 PUT option at 48. Tgt 60. Tgt achvd. +60K
4. Buy 30 lots of Tata Steel at 420 CALL op. at 11.50. Tgt 14.50. Tgt achvd. +45K
*2/1. 1. Buy 50 lots of Nifty at 8380. NO SL. Tgt 8480........
2. Buy 10,000 Nifty 8500 Call option at 61. Booked at 94. + 3.30 lacs.
3. BUY 50 lots of Bank Nifty at 18930. Tgt 18250. Tgt achvd. +4 lacs
4. Buy 50 lots of Bank Nifty 19500 Call option at 160. Tgt 260. Tgt achvd. +1.20
5. SSLT tgt 225. achvd. +80,000
***Call given on 31/12. Buy 20 lots of TCS 2600 Call option at 52. No SL. tgt 67.00....Booked today at 75 with trailing SL. +57,500. *Small traders are crying.
*1/1/2015. 1. Buy 10 lots of Andhra Bank at 96. NO SL Tgt 100. Tgt achvd. Profit 1.6 lacs.
2.Buy 20 lots of Andhra bank 95 CALL option at 5.20. Booked at 8.80. +2.88 lacs.
3. Buy 10 lots of SSLT at 217. Tgt. 225........................
*31/12. 1. Buy 20 lots of TCS at 2552. No SL. Target 2575. Tgt achvd.
2. Buy 20 lots of TCS 2600 Call option at 52. No SL. tgt 67.00.........
*30/12. What a great day for all our HIGH networth client.
*Nifty call option of 8500 SL 50 triggered.
* Tata Steel SELL call tgt. 405 achvd.
*1. SELL 12 lots of Tata Steel at 407. SL 410. Tgt 399. Tgt achvd.
*2. Buy 16 lots of TCS 2600 Call option at 56. SL 51. Tgt 67. SL triggered.
*3. Sell 16 lots of TCS at 2560. SL 2564. Tgt 2540. Tgt achvd.
4. Buy 10 lots of Andhra bank at 93. NO SL. Tgt 95.80.........31/12. Booked at 95.50.
5. Buy 10 lots of Andhra bank 95 call option at 3.20. NO SL. Tgt.4.70. tgt achvd.
6. Buy 10,000 Nifty 8500 call option at 46.50 SL 44. Tgt 55. Tgt achvd.
*29/12. 1.Sell Tata Steel 10 lots at 413. SL 416. Tgt 405.......30/12. Tgt achvd.
2. Buy 3000 Nifty 8500 Call option at 59. SL 50. Tgt 72........30/12. SL triggered
*26/12. 1. SELL 40 lots of Nifty at 8290. SL 8310. Tgt 8230. Tgt achvd.
2. Buy 3000 Nifty 8100 put op at 75. SL 67. Tgt 97. Tgt achvd.
*24/12. 1. Sell 40 lots of Nifty at 8275. SL 8290. Tgt. 8225. Tgt achvd.
2. Sell 40 lots of Nifty again at 8445. SL 8460. Tgt 8190. Tgt achvd.
3. Buy 3000 Nifty JAN. 8100 Put op at 63. SL 56. Tgt 78. Tgt achvd.
4. Buy 10000 Nifty 8300 Put op. at 50. SL 40. Tgt 70. Tgt achvd.
5. Buy 20000 Nifty 8250 Put op at 30. SL 20. Tgt 50. Tgt achvd.
*Buy again 20000 Nifty 8250 Put option 35. SL 25....booked at 75...with a trailing stop loss.
6. Buy 50000 Nifty 8200 Put op at 1.00. Booked at 25 with trailing SL.( Made High/low 0.40/28. a 7000% appreciation from 2.30pm to 3.30pm )
*23/12. 1. Buy Nifty 40 lots at 8330. Sl 8322. Tgt 8368. Tgt achvd.
2. Buy 3000 Nifty 8300 Call option at 48. SL 42. Tgt 68. Tgt achvd.
3. Sell 40 lots of Nifty at 8365. SL 8375. Tgt booked at 8280 with trailing sl.
4. Buy 3000 Nifty 8300 Put option at 14. SL 7. Tgt booked at 46 with trailing SL.
*22/12. In just last 4 days NIFTY & Bank Nifty CALL OPTIONS have appreciated more then 10 times i.e. more then 1000%.
Has any of your investments have ever given such mind blowing returns ?????? That too in such a short time ?????
*Become a TRAINED client & identify & catch such opportunities ON YOUR OWN.
1.BUY 40 LOTS OF NIFTY AT 8260. sl 8245.TGT 8307 & 8345. Tgt achvd.....Next tgt is 8368,8415 & 8508. Tgts are there in front of you But you are focused on something else.
Learn how to remain focused on the price to make consistent profit..
2. Buy 3000 Nifty Jan. 8500 CALL option at 69. SL 62. Tgt 85. Booked at 93 with trailing sl.
3. Buy 20000 Nifty 8300 Call option at 17. SL 10. Tgt 35. Booked at 53 with trailing SL.
4. Buy 3000 Bank Nifty 19000 CALL option at 14. SL 5. Tgt 30..booked at 44 with trailing SL.
*5. Buy 30 lots of Jindal Steel 150 Call op. at 1.20. Tgt.....3.50............
6. Buy CanBank 15 lots of 440 Call option at 4. Tgt....12.........
**22/12. 1.SUPER MSMS. BUY 1lac Nifty 8350 CALL option at 7. SL 3. Tgt 25. Tgt achvd. Next tgt is 60..........
*2. SUPER MSMS Buy 20,000 Nifty 8500 Call op. at 70. SL 62. Booked 10,000 at 92.......Tgt.....115.
*18/12. 1. Sell 40 lots of Nifty at 8160. SL 8167. Tgt 8115. Tgt achvd.
2. Buy 3000 Nifty 8100 Put Option at 29. SL 25. Tgt 50. Tgt achvd.
3. Buy 40 lots of Nifty at 8125. SL 8105. Tgt 8175. Tgt achvd.
4. Buy 3000 Nifty 8100 Call op. at 70. SL. 60. Tgt 90. tgt achvd.
5. Sell 8 lots of Voltas at 248. SL 250. Tgt 241. Tgt achvd.
6. Sell 8 lots of tata Motor at 519. SL 524. Tgt 508. Tgt achvd.
*8/12. FREE for all.
SELL....SELL NIFTY, Bank Nifty,Adani Ports, BPCL, Bhel, DLF, Federal bank,
HCLtech, Hexaware, HPCL, IB real ( Our TRAINED CLIENTS are holding SELL position from Rs.80. & PUT option of 80. For target become a Trained Client ), JSW steel, LT, M&M, PFC, REC, Tata Motor, Tata Steel, Wipro.
*8/12. All OUR TRAINED CLIENTS made huge profit by BUYING PUT OPTIONS
1. Sell 40 lots of Nifty at 8550. SL 8565. Target 8502. Tgt achvd.
2. Buy 100 lots of Nifty 8400 Put option at 27. SL 24. Tgt 40. tgt achvd.
3. Sell 8 lots of Tata Steel at 466. SL 470. Tgt 457. Tgt achvd.
4. Buy 15 lots of Tata Steel 460 Put op at 10. SL 8.40. Tgt 16. Tgt achvd.
5. Sell 8 lots of tata Motor at 332. SL 334. Tgt 323. Tgt achvd.
6. Sell IBRealest at 76. SL 77.30. Tgt 74. Tgt achvd.
*2/12. . 1. Buy 5 lots of Exide at 169. SL 167. Tgt 174. Tgt achvd.
2. Buy 10 lots of Exide 170 Call Option at 6. Tgt 9. Tgt achvd.
3. Buy KTK bank 5 lots at 146. Tgt 152. Tgt achvd.
4. Buy 10 lots of Exide 150 Call option at 4.50. Tgt 7. Tgt achvd.
*1/12. 1. Sell 40 lots of Nifty at 8645. SL 8661. Tgt 8502. Tgt achvd.
2. Sell 8 kots of Arvind Ltd at 283. SL 287. Tgt 277. Tgt achvd.
3. Sell 8 lots of Sun TV at 322. SL 327. Tgt 315. Tgt achvd.
***"If you trade just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what you are doing you are bound to hit jackpots ..."
*27/11. What our trained clients had done in the MONTH of November.
When infosys was trading at 3900 on 29th October we had given a target of 4600 & for NIFTY trading at 8100 a tgt of 8650.
*1. Bought 20 lots of Infosys 4000 Nov.CALL op on 29/10 at 40. Sold it for 360 today.
*2. Bought 100 lots of NIFTY 8300 Nov.CALL OPTION on 29/10 at 40 & sold it for 260 on 24th.
*3 In last 3 to 4 days they bought CALL OPTIONS of BHEL,DLF, EXIDE, HINDALCO, REL CAP, for JUST Rs.1 and sold it for 20, 12,10,10, 30 respectively. Collectively trained clients Rs.50,000 became Rs.8,20,000 only that too in just 4 days.
BECOME a TRAINED CLIENT and grab such least risk & High Rewards
opportunities on your own, GUARANTEED.
From a student to a worker, a laymen & a house wife as well as expert traders can also become a
*We wish all our readers & well wishers a VERY HAPPY DEEPAWALI and a very HAPPY & Prosperous Hindu New Year VIKRAM SAMVAT 2071.
* AND MOST IMPORTANTLY........before introducing HOLY SRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA in the schools late the politicians work for the nation without any desire. Let them set an example.
*Tell all MP,MLA,Corporators to read the Gujrati novel 'GRAMYA LAKSHMI' written by shri. Ramanlal Vasantlal Desai.
****How much INDIA has progressed in 37 years.
*1977 Shri.Morarji R.Desai became PM.
1st thing on his agenda was drinking own URINE. A URINE THERAPY for HEALTHY INDIA.
*1998. Shri Atalji bacame PM.
**The Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee talking to the Journalists in Tokyo on
December 11, 2001.
The Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee meeting with the Japanese Emperor Akihito in Tokyo on December 11, 2001.
The fomer Prime Minister of Japan Mr. Yoshiro Mori called on the Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajayee in Tokyo (Japan) on December 10, 2001.
The Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Minister of State for External Affairs Shri Omar Abdullah at the Renkoji Temple in Tokyo, (Japan) on December 9, 2001.
*****And the most famous story goes on.......
*Mr. Vajpayee was astonished & delighted to see the Japanese PM's lavish life style.
He asked him HOW??
Japan's PM pointed his finger outside the window & said can you see all those Power Plants, Nuclear Reactors, Highways, Bridges,Dams.
*Shri. Atalji said yes he can see all those things.
Japanese PM said ok what I have is 10%.
*****Shri. Atalji then invited Japan's PM to INDIA.
Japanese PM was almost fainted when he saw ATALJI's KING like high standard of living.
He could not resist asking HOW???
*Atalji smiled & replied by pointing his all fingers out of the window & said can you see all those, Nuclear Reactors, Power Plants, Dams, Bridges, Highways,Airports, 50 lakhs HOMES for poor & middle class., THE CLEAN HOLY RIVER GANGES.
Japanese PM was puzzled. He said NO he can not see anything.
ALL that he can see is naked, under nourished,homeless INDIAN people roaming all around.
*He said I am even feeling ashamed to look at them.
*Shri.ATALJI smiled & replied that is what I have is 100%.
*We give hope & dreams to our people & they are so happy with all promises that they spend their life dreaming of all those virtual things while we enjoy a KING like life.
*We tell them see stock market is rising so one day you will get the fruits of better/bitter economy.
*May 2014. Shri Narendrabhai Modi became PM.
Stock market is rising everyday. Market cap is rising...BUT this rising market cap will provide clothes,shelter & nutritive food to the Poor INDIANS or will it wipe of POOR (not poverty) & middle class HINDUS for ever.
I think AMBANIS have answer for these.
Like queen of FRANCE they may suggest every INDIAN family should play 20:20 cricket & there won't be any poverty in the country??????
And if this does not work every Indian family should have ONE CORRUPTED POLITICIAN in the family. Simple solution to wipe off POVERTY.
Has any of your investments have ever given such mind blowing returns ?????? That too in such a short time ?????
*Become a TRAINED client & identify & catch such opportunities ON YOUR OWN.
1.BUY 40 LOTS OF NIFTY AT 8260. sl 8245.TGT 8307 & 8345. Tgt achvd.....Next tgt is 8368,8415 & 8508. Tgts are there in front of you But you are focused on something else.
Learn how to remain focused on the price to make consistent profit..
2. Buy 3000 Nifty Jan. 8500 CALL option at 69. SL 62. Tgt 85. Booked at 93 with trailing sl.
3. Buy 20000 Nifty 8300 Call option at 17. SL 10. Tgt 35. Booked at 53 with trailing SL.
4. Buy 3000 Bank Nifty 19000 CALL option at 14. SL 5. Tgt 30..booked at 44 with trailing SL.
*5. Buy 30 lots of Jindal Steel 150 Call op. at 1.20. Tgt.....3.50............
6. Buy CanBank 15 lots of 440 Call option at 4. Tgt....12.........
**22/12. 1.SUPER MSMS. BUY 1lac Nifty 8350 CALL option at 7. SL 3. Tgt 25. Tgt achvd. Next tgt is 60..........
*2. SUPER MSMS Buy 20,000 Nifty 8500 Call op. at 70. SL 62. Booked 10,000 at 92.......Tgt.....115.
*18/12. 1. Sell 40 lots of Nifty at 8160. SL 8167. Tgt 8115. Tgt achvd.
2. Buy 3000 Nifty 8100 Put Option at 29. SL 25. Tgt 50. Tgt achvd.
3. Buy 40 lots of Nifty at 8125. SL 8105. Tgt 8175. Tgt achvd.
4. Buy 3000 Nifty 8100 Call op. at 70. SL. 60. Tgt 90. tgt achvd.
5. Sell 8 lots of Voltas at 248. SL 250. Tgt 241. Tgt achvd.
6. Sell 8 lots of tata Motor at 519. SL 524. Tgt 508. Tgt achvd.
*8/12. FREE for all.
SELL....SELL NIFTY, Bank Nifty,Adani Ports, BPCL, Bhel, DLF, Federal bank,
HCLtech, Hexaware, HPCL, IB real ( Our TRAINED CLIENTS are holding SELL position from Rs.80. & PUT option of 80. For target become a Trained Client ), JSW steel, LT, M&M, PFC, REC, Tata Motor, Tata Steel, Wipro.
*8/12. All OUR TRAINED CLIENTS made huge profit by BUYING PUT OPTIONS
1. Sell 40 lots of Nifty at 8550. SL 8565. Target 8502. Tgt achvd.
2. Buy 100 lots of Nifty 8400 Put option at 27. SL 24. Tgt 40. tgt achvd.
3. Sell 8 lots of Tata Steel at 466. SL 470. Tgt 457. Tgt achvd.
4. Buy 15 lots of Tata Steel 460 Put op at 10. SL 8.40. Tgt 16. Tgt achvd.
5. Sell 8 lots of tata Motor at 332. SL 334. Tgt 323. Tgt achvd.
6. Sell IBRealest at 76. SL 77.30. Tgt 74. Tgt achvd.
*2/12. . 1. Buy 5 lots of Exide at 169. SL 167. Tgt 174. Tgt achvd.
2. Buy 10 lots of Exide 170 Call Option at 6. Tgt 9. Tgt achvd.
3. Buy KTK bank 5 lots at 146. Tgt 152. Tgt achvd.
4. Buy 10 lots of Exide 150 Call option at 4.50. Tgt 7. Tgt achvd.
*1/12. 1. Sell 40 lots of Nifty at 8645. SL 8661. Tgt 8502. Tgt achvd.
2. Sell 8 kots of Arvind Ltd at 283. SL 287. Tgt 277. Tgt achvd.
3. Sell 8 lots of Sun TV at 322. SL 327. Tgt 315. Tgt achvd.
***"If you trade just for money, you’ll never make it, but if you love what you are doing you are bound to hit jackpots ..."
*27/11. What our trained clients had done in the MONTH of November.
When infosys was trading at 3900 on 29th October we had given a target of 4600 & for NIFTY trading at 8100 a tgt of 8650.
*1. Bought 20 lots of Infosys 4000 Nov.CALL op on 29/10 at 40. Sold it for 360 today.
*2. Bought 100 lots of NIFTY 8300 Nov.CALL OPTION on 29/10 at 40 & sold it for 260 on 24th.
*3 In last 3 to 4 days they bought CALL OPTIONS of BHEL,DLF, EXIDE, HINDALCO, REL CAP, for JUST Rs.1 and sold it for 20, 12,10,10, 30 respectively. Collectively trained clients Rs.50,000 became Rs.8,20,000 only that too in just 4 days.
BECOME a TRAINED CLIENT and grab such least risk & High Rewards
opportunities on your own, GUARANTEED.
From a student to a worker, a laymen & a house wife as well as expert traders can also become a
*We wish all our readers & well wishers a VERY HAPPY DEEPAWALI and a very HAPPY & Prosperous Hindu New Year VIKRAM SAMVAT 2071.
* AND MOST IMPORTANTLY........before introducing HOLY SRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA in the schools late the politicians work for the nation without any desire. Let them set an example.
*Tell all MP,MLA,Corporators to read the Gujrati novel 'GRAMYA LAKSHMI' written by shri. Ramanlal Vasantlal Desai.
****How much INDIA has progressed in 37 years.
*1977 Shri.Morarji R.Desai became PM.
1st thing on his agenda was drinking own URINE. A URINE THERAPY for HEALTHY INDIA.
*1998. Shri Atalji bacame PM.
**The Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee talking to the Journalists in Tokyo on
December 11, 2001.
The Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee meeting with the Japanese Emperor Akihito in Tokyo on December 11, 2001.
The fomer Prime Minister of Japan Mr. Yoshiro Mori called on the Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajayee in Tokyo (Japan) on December 10, 2001.
The Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Minister of State for External Affairs Shri Omar Abdullah at the Renkoji Temple in Tokyo, (Japan) on December 9, 2001.
*****And the most famous story goes on.......
*Mr. Vajpayee was astonished & delighted to see the Japanese PM's lavish life style.
He asked him HOW??
Japan's PM pointed his finger outside the window & said can you see all those Power Plants, Nuclear Reactors, Highways, Bridges,Dams.
*Shri. Atalji said yes he can see all those things.
Japanese PM said ok what I have is 10%.
*****Shri. Atalji then invited Japan's PM to INDIA.
Japanese PM was almost fainted when he saw ATALJI's KING like high standard of living.
He could not resist asking HOW???
*Atalji smiled & replied by pointing his all fingers out of the window & said can you see all those, Nuclear Reactors, Power Plants, Dams, Bridges, Highways,Airports, 50 lakhs HOMES for poor & middle class., THE CLEAN HOLY RIVER GANGES.
Japanese PM was puzzled. He said NO he can not see anything.
ALL that he can see is naked, under nourished,homeless INDIAN people roaming all around.
*He said I am even feeling ashamed to look at them.
*Shri.ATALJI smiled & replied that is what I have is 100%.
*We give hope & dreams to our people & they are so happy with all promises that they spend their life dreaming of all those virtual things while we enjoy a KING like life.
*We tell them see stock market is rising so one day you will get the fruits of better/bitter economy.
*May 2014. Shri Narendrabhai Modi became PM.
The first thing on his agenda is to construct URINALS/Toilets for clean INDIA.
SO in 37 years INDIA has progressed from Urine therapy to URINALS & TOILETS.
Do you think INDIA needs nuclear technology????
Now he is also on a visit to JAPAN. Why???
*To know where their PM parks his funds,, because SWISS banks are risky now.*Do you know the secret.Japan's PM has thrown a googly.He knew that AHMDABAD people are very good at managing own as well as others money.*Simple so he is parking his funds in INDIA for better mutual tie up.Stock market is rising everyday. Market cap is rising...BUT this rising market cap will provide clothes,shelter & nutritive food to the Poor INDIANS or will it wipe of POOR (not poverty) & middle class HINDUS for ever.
I think AMBANIS have answer for these.
Like queen of FRANCE they may suggest every INDIAN family should play 20:20 cricket & there won't be any poverty in the country??????
And if this does not work every Indian family should have ONE CORRUPTED POLITICIAN in the family. Simple solution to wipe off POVERTY.
*Please contact me on stocktraders8@yahoo.com OR 9869902649 OR on whatsApp 8108398381.
& investing in stock market and in Forex market is highly risky. We
take no responsibility of any kind for any of our suggestions &
writing. . The clients, subscribers, traders & investors are trading
& investing totally at their own risk. The stock market, cash &
F&O trading has infinite risk where one can lose the invested
capital & can run into further heavy losses too. We do not give any
guarantee for any of our writing, price targets, educational programmes
& for any statement related to stock market & trading. Trading
& Investing in stock market is highly risky business & can cause
huge financial loss. We are not responsible for any of your actions that may be based on our suggestions. We do not give any performance guarantee.
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